Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Parade

I did not realize this but this was not only little Ms. Gabi's first parade, but also V and SuSu's first. The City of Sumter had a nice little parade and as you can see below the favorite attraction was the Ms. McDuffie Furniture entry on her own personal Grandpa powered papoose.


Jane and Jeremy came down from Boston for Thanksgiving and for us it was our first time seeing Ms. Martha. Even though she never really warmed up to me, one glance from those beautiful baby blues made it impossible for me to be upset. Jane and Jeremy are very cool parents which of course means they have very cool kids. We had such a great time at the First Annual McDuffie Family Thanksgiving at the Nest. Can't wait till next year ... we hope to double the numbers at the Pre-Thanksgiving Oyster Roast.

"Yummy! Yummy!" says Jane.